"SHARKBAIT can rankle nerves because of the name due to a freak accident and as a survivor we now watch others going into the waves. Kind of amazing since according to Dr. Guggenheim shark population's have declined by 90% in the last 15 years. What were the odds that someone like me who only swam 3 times a week in ocean would be bitten?"
"The last 10 years have speed along and we can see that global warming is indeed happening at a faster pace than scientists had allowed. Island inhabitants and their cultures will be lost and we as a nation of all people will lose the environment as we know it. Mom has been adamant about her love of nature and wildlife including the sharks, although she has lost most notably her fearlessness. Some think that overfishing must be occurring everywhere such as with Maine who debated closing their COD fishing this year."
"It is not a matter if you are a conservationist or environmentalist, global warming is here and it will ensure tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, dry deserts with no water in sight, crops will wither and die. Of course this will not happen today and I am very afraid that children around the world will not be taught the benefits of farming their land, co-opting their food. In the Middle East to have the girls plant a garden and get to nurture and tend to it together with other girls in their neighborhood would be a giant success. To watch their vegetables grow with aid of a water pump might possibly change their lives. Planting is such a rewarding endeavor it is very much wished upon the girls of Arabia."
"Girls do not swim in the middle east on the beaches, it is against the law. How I wish their could be an afternoon where they could meet to weave, draw, paint, play piano together. We used to have such art classes here in the USA but as class size grew they had to buy us typewriters and sewing machines. I would love to work with the women in the Middle East and learn some of their batik (tye dying.) Rug work while hard is rewarding to view."
"Getting back to sharks we have been reading about declining populations such as with the Great White Shark in the oceans now on the endangered list. Shark Fining has given haste to the decline in shark populations, although shark meat is eaten it is metallic in taste."
"The new US law protecting Great White's and Whale Shark's is a great accomplishment but we are left wondering about our marine life (coral reef's) in the rest of the world . Cuba who has allowed no imports stayed locked in the 1960's as noticed with all of the classic cars.The special on CBS Sunday night with wonderful footage of Queen's Garden named for Queen Isabella of Spain. CUBA's reefs are beyond words and sharks were in abundance. This is a gem and we hope they maintain vigilance."
dedicated to my Uncle Beau
Dr. John DeLorge as known to friends
of the
alumni of JU/University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill/US ARMY/Champion boxer for USARMY/NASA
my GODFATHER who helped me
through the rough stuff