Saturday, October 29, 2011


"Why is it that all the sharks hang on the edge of the ledge?Such as reef sharks, bulls and black tip. We all have experiences which we bring to this discussion. Without others who have been there throughout this wonderful ride we call life, we would not be blogging today.We blog for the generations who like us love the aquatic environment and the thrill of the ride."

"Some of us will never again grace the ocean with our own set of skills, others remain fearless, and some still mourn the loss of loved ones. We promote SURFERS as for some of us it was our board or body which helped us get to shore on our date of survival. We are a unique set of divers or fishermen, sailors, swimmers, and surfers who belong to the so called CLUB and not the one we want to belong to either!"

WE are sending a SHOUT OUT to those who like us live on the edge of the ledge....and will continue with mission, skills and team!"

"Our thanks to Al and others who have helped Mom realize positive flow!

the Sharkbait Foundation

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


"Taylor Lautner while promoting his new film ABDUCTION in Australia went shark diving while there. Admitting to David Letterman he told the audience he was terrified of sharks. To relieve some of his fear he went diving at a local aquarium in Australia with sharks. It showed a reef shark 10 ft'r 6 inches from his face!"

"The shark world just found a new voice!"

- the Sharkbait Foundation

Monday, October 3, 2011


Happy Birthday Patty
Love Always,
the crew


"With all of the shark survivors around the world we wanted to bring attention to those of us who after our experience came together after our survival. The shark world can be deadly as we have read usually taking place in Australia, Africa or Cali by Great White Sharks. But with only 13 lemon shark attacks in the world it was highly unusual for our friend Al Brenneka, diver and fellow survivor to be a shark attack victim by one while surfing." "

"John as seen here was taught about wearing life jackets when just a toddler. He loved to fish and surf like most of the girls and boys on any coast. Children experience their surroundings connecting in ways to their fathers or mothers or grandparents who take them to the shore.