Thursday, June 9, 2011


"I was really surprised to read about the other body surfer,  an 86 year old man who is a WWII veteran who was bitten by a shark his name is Bob Brown.  I try to stay on top of these things but my role differs from Al Brenneka who is my friend  and organized the shark attack survivors files extensively. He is the one who puts together a plethora  of information."

"Getting back to Mr. Brown I found it superneat, he was so  refreshing about his shark hit and was in such good spirits after his incident last month at Mickler's.  If anyone knows how he is doing please post I would love to have a chat with him as we have so many things in common...A1A, Navy, sharks and body surfing. I sure hope I am in as good a shape and hold as much charisma as Mr. Brown - he rocked!."

dedicated to those
in harm's way
and to PAPA Bill....