Monday, September 13, 2010


SHARKBAIT FOUNDATION meeting with Al Brennaka and J. Coleman

"Al Brennaka stopped by on his way back to North Carolina.  Al lost his arm to a lemon shark while surfing in Delray Beach on Thanksgiving Day.  He was 17 at the time, he and Rodney Fox's bites were the first to be televised.  Al has put together a shark survivors and statistics sight called Shark Attack"

"We have spoken together for the last few years about the ways in which we could help others who have met similar fates around the globe.  Shark attack survivors who help in their respective communities are abundant. It is such a surreal fate that it remains with you always. I think of the Egyptian and Red-Sea shark attack survivors and the 2 who were lost a month ago who were divers from Russia.  Two were women like me.....I would very much like to meet with them. If anyone knows how to contact them please let us know."

 to oyster shuckers

                         to surf rats

dedicated to Egypt 
we hold you in our hearts 
the Gulf we send you our strength
may it be enough

to International Woman's Day
we too send you our strength
the Sharkbait Foundation

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Pinning the Wings....


our beginning

Monday, August 16, 2010


Art Design work by M. White
When we began this journey no one really knew what to expect. There has been tremendous heartache in hand with absolute joy.

We know that we are not alone in the quest for clean drinking water for all people. Or for my jag with the emphasis on aquatic safety skills and training.It is a must for our children!

The ocean has taught families how to live off both water and land. May we all continue to do so. The water holds  a  bond so deep between us that through our oceans we rely upon each other to survive.

Can you spot the surfer on the graphic called SHARKB8 CREATION? Photograph taken by SharkB8 and is its sole property.

dedicated to those who serve
 and to those who surf